Sunday, March 2, 2014

two coats of epoxy. one to bond, one to fill cracks. seems to have been successful. but i'm letting it sit a few more days because i basically give up if it doesn't hold.

hugely messy, too. going to need to sand it....

what happened was a little piece of plastic broke off the headband on my phones. they're modular. meaning the ear muff parts hook into an adjustable roller type idea. it's the roller that snapped a piece off.

the phones work and everything. really, if my head wasn't absurdly small..

...but, as i have the cranial circumference of an eight year old, i have to adjust it to it's tightest setting, which means the phones are continually falling off.

i'll test it in the morning. when it's back together, i'm going to spend a good month solely on the sound.