Monday, October 20, 2014

so, i got my letter of doom today. it's a package of forms to fill out.

considering the experiences i've had with doctors here, i'm expecting to be rejected, so i'm going to leave it to the last minute with the expectation that i'll have to launch an appeal. that means i have roughly six months left to live before i commit suicide. i'm planning something grizzly outside the odsp offices (or outside of a doctor's office) as a political statement. the purpose is to draw attention to the fact that the system has failed me, and hopefully to produce consequences for the people responsible for that.

the flip side of this is that i don't want to waste the last six months of my life fighting disability. so, i'm NOT going to try really hard to find a doctor to fill this out - i'm going to make sure i get as much music recorded as i can in the next six months, then go out in a truly spectacular mess...

if you have any really good suicide ideas, please post them here, maybe i can work them into the action.

see, then i wonder why i keep going back to smoking. what's the use of quitting, when there's no future?

i've been to doctors, they tell me i'm healthy. i guess i'll have to prove them wrong. maybe they'll be less stupid about it after they have to peel a severed arm off their front door.

"you're holding us up with a gun!"

it's reciprocating society's ultimatum of work or starve. it's incredibly aggressive, but we're born with these knives over our heads that give us no option but to sell our labour to survive. if rejecting this means producing a violent outburst, it's a reflection of my lack of options to live in real freedom. the desperate nature of slavery *justifies* this sort of response.

so, yes, i'm turning the gun back on society. and, rather than feel bad about this, i'd encourage others to do the same.

i need to finish inri035. yes, i'm smoking tonight. at least, i am NOW. then i need to eat. then i need to carefully read through the thing and see what i can do.

but i'm not wasting large amounts of time on this, only to be rejected in the end. i'm at peace with ending my existence in the short term, just so long as i can get the work done. i need to pick up the pace a bit...

i've been quiet on the activist front since i came down here. well, i got what i want. and, i'm aware that it's *why* we have assistance set up. if you set up a society that is structurally unequal (and then expect people to fight over the wealth), you're going to end up with disaffected masses that don't want to play the game and will fight back instead. the way to control those masses is to feed and shelter them. i'm willing to play along. but you pull that out from under me, and i'm back to fighting for principles.

it's martyr thinking, granted, but it's calculated for maximum effect. i've constructed my life goals with the intent of completing them within a year or two. once i get there, there's not much else to live for. so, i'm now in a race against time.

if things work out, i get a lot done. if they don't, i can at least go out knowing i got as much done as i could...

i mean, i've got over 24 hours worth of music completed, remastered and reconstructed over the last year and a bit. that's something to be proud of. at the least, i need to have *some* kind of way to present what's left.

clarity single up

ok, to recall, i so far have three rabit releases complete.




i'll be adding a final remixed instrumental clarity as track seven which will really just be a bit punchier. i'm going to want to rewrite that piano part, too. but the vocal aspect of the ep is done.

i have actually surprisingly recently sold some discs (my youtube promotion is getting a lot of hits - i'm at about 3000/month and growing steadily), so i need to run through that. no rabit sales yet, so i don't owe you anything yet. as i've had no feedback, the way i've decided to do this is split the rabit sales with you and split the cynicide sales with jon - and the latter is really me being generous. i have sold one cynicide disc, but i undercharged for shipping (oops), so i owe jon about $0.50. i'll contact him if or when it gets close to $20....

that cynicide disc is this:

all the rabit material will be in ep form, which i'm selling at $7/disc (plus shipping) or $2.50 to download the whole disc (no single track downloads, i think that's bullshit). i need to give 10% of that to bandcamp and around another 10% to paypal (unless they circumvent it). so, you can take out about 20% for fees.

so, (2.50 - 0.2*2.50)/2 = $1. that's what you have coming to you per download. i do hope to increase the prices in time, but right now i think that would be counter-productive. i'd also be paying more in fees.

it's about $3.00 to make a disc when you add up the cost of a printable cd, the ink, the paper and the case. if i start selling a significant number of cds, i'll be able to reduce that cost by buying in bulk, but that's what it is for now.

again, (7 - 0.2*7 - 3)/2 = $1.30. so, that's what you'll have coming to you per rabit disc. and, again, i hope to increase the price in time, but for now it's counter-productive....

and, you have to keep in mind that i'm getting exactly the same low profit rate on the disc. then again, you have to keep in mind that that's not really different than what the average major label artist gets per disc, either - if anything, it's a better deal than average.

there's going to be a 9:46 single with instrumental mixes, a six-track rabit demo (clarity, 9:46, psi, time, myself, day) and the completed "tour ep" of acoustic versions that never happened. it's all going to be at the same price/profit rate and hopefully be done within a month or so.


sorry, one more thing - i should point out that i have the "pay more if you want" thing clicked off. if somebody decides they want to give me $100 for a rabit disc, you'll get (100-0.2*100 -3)/2 = $38.50 out of it. the formula is obviously (0.8x - 3)/2, summed over all prices that come to me. from what i've seen so far, it seems to be that people interpret the price as a suggestion, so we'll see how that works out...


two quick notes are immediately necessary:

1) somebody very quickly downloaded the clarity single, so there you go.
2) the bandcamp cut on downloads is 15%, not 10% as i said before. it's 10% on physical media. hey, this is new to me, too. so, i owe you a little less than a $1 - i haven't calculated the exact paypal amount yet. i'm going to wait until it's more than the cost of shipping a'll have to trust me, but you know you can....i didn't have to tell you at all, really..