Tuesday, January 27, 2015

untitled (intended original mix)


i've decided to keep the intro guitar part out of the 2002 mix, because i'm going to soundscape the fuck out of it in ways that i couldn't have really done at the time and it just doesn't sound good in raw form.

so, this mix is done. the rss will update. i'm back at the three vst mixes for tomorrow.

when this comes up, crank the bass on it....

carefully. it's potentially speaker-blowing. but it's made to rock the low end hard.

that was the hard part, this should be quick from this point.

this compiles all the 2002 files into a mix that is as close as i can get it to sounding as i initially imagined it back in 2002. mix completed jan 27, 2015.

nailed it...

give me a cigar.

except those intro guitars. but that's a writing choice; the mix is done. not sure what to do with those, yet. that's the next task, but it has to be done before this gets upped.
*deep breath*

this'd better not be busted....