Thursday, July 16, 2015

confused (instrumental)

initially written in 1997. recreated in feb, 1998. reclaimed july 5, 2015. remixed july 12, 2015. electronics added on july 16, 2015.

confused (vocal mix)

initially written in 1997. recreated in feb, 1998. reclaimed july 5, 2015. remixed july 12, 2015. vocals and electronics added on july 16, 2015.


initially written in 1997. recreated in feb, 1998. reclaimed july 5, 2015. remixed july 12, 2015. deconstructed on on july 16, 2015.
the tone controls on the gear just won't stay put, and it's driving me slightly mad.

it's been a problem for a while. i've noticed disconnecting from the internet has somewhat of an effect; i think it's because i'm connecting over firewire, and it's a bandwidth thing. but, even if i control for that, i still can't get it to stay put. which has led me to theories about a fucker at a mixing desk that just won't fuck off.

what happens is that the bass randomly gives out. but then it randomly comes back.

rational explanations would have to be related to a driver issue, but the problem with that is that there doesn't seem to be a pattern, except that it kicks in for certain songs, which isn't the kind of pattern that makes sense. the drivers would not know this. a fucker at a mixing desk would know this.

i just need to state it again: there's no way to interfere here that can come out well. it's just a waste of my time. right now, specifically, i have a strong control in the bass for "fuck the dead". i'm not going to be modifying anything until the control is clear.

i want to get a mix up - i think it's done. but, uncertainty on the tone controls is forcing me to hang on to it a little.

when i think the tone controls are where they should be, it sounds just about perfect. but, then i notice there's a touch too much treble. and when i check the control, the bass has given out. so, i'm leaning towards that extra treble being related to the bass giving out, rather than being in the mix and needing to come down. if it would just stay put, i could fix it or upload. until i'm sure it's staying put, i'm stuck repeatedly checking to see if it's staying put. which is ultimately just an annoying waste of time.

what i'm noticing is that if i turn it off and on, the bass is there to start, and then slowly fades - i can hear the filter on the high end coming into focus (because it's more audible than the low end falling out). i'm going to turn it off for a few hours, eat and try again.

this is a hard block. i can't do anything until it stabilizes. the next step will be reinstalling drivers.

but, i...i just don't think it's actually a driver problem.
so, i actually got a lot done tonight, which is nice to re-establish after the last ten days of calculating intersection points.

the electronics only disc is happening, but i'm starting to seriously think it's best appended to the existing remix disc, which is currently very glitchy and strange. i'd have to do it in a side a / side b format. if i end up renumbering, i might not. i finished five tracks for this overnight and ruled several out.

inrinterpreted was meant to be redone versions of the tracks, but it looks like only two are going to get this treatment, and the additions to both will be minor. i've completed a new version of confused over night, with added synth bass and piano. i'm going to have to listen carefully tomorrow to see if i'm sure everything else is complete. if it is, there are a handful of tracks i'd like to release remixed and with vocals and this will become an inrinterpreted ep. i finished four tracks for this.

the condition i want to set for there being a single for any of these songs is that they have to exist in compilable form across all possibilities. i've decided i'm not doing chiptune versions of any of it. so there has to be a 96/97 demo, a 98/99 demo and a modified remix to act as a lead track. should i hold to this, the confused single is complete - but i'm not uploading it until i figure out how i'm labelling it.

i believe i've worked out all possibilities for the first 11 tracks. that means i'm about half done.

right now, the headache is going to knock me out a little early...

weather is shifting; i feel it in my head and stomach. it's been cold. i think it's actually warming up.