Monday, December 12, 2016

i crashed this morning while listening. but, i've listened to it a few times this evening and i'm still only pretty sure. i'm going to move back to the other room after i eat and hope i can get some clear listening in after midnight.

i'm also facing a question as to whether i want to replace the album mix or not. i'm going to have to take the current album mix off of the single (it's identical to the 2015 mix, except for a short pause at the beginning) to make room for the instrumental version of the vocal mix. but, do i want that to be the new album mix?

there aren't really continuity concerns. the track is an island. it's going to be down to what i think sounds better, and i'll have to do the experiment to find out.

i expect to finally finish this tonight. but everything takes longer than i think it will. soon. soon.