Friday, September 23, 2016

i've had a really off the wall month - i spent this week sick in bed and the week before it trying to work through what passing out in detroit and waking up in a stranger's car actually means. listening left off on the 6th. and, i'm several weeks behind on the alter-reality....

what i'm going to do this morning is catch up on the alter-reality, and i will post those updates here as they come in. i'll then need to finish up all the things i need to finish as quickly as i can finish them.

it's kind of important to me that i'm able to get over this hump and into the next phase by the end of this season. it's going to be tight. very tight. but, this is currently my goal.

the temperature is coming down over the weekend and i can't imagine we'll continue to get these kinds of hot days much further into autumn. so, i should also be able to move back into the other room - which i'm going to need to have filled up again by the summer to avoid this scenario happening again.

one thing at a time. alter-reality. real-life shit. then, back to listening. and on to finalizing my second record.