Friday, February 21, 2014

death to adrev

these guys are pissing me off.

they're trying to get me on this (at youtube, not bandcamp), which is a sample art collage in the style of something like art of noise or negativland, but with video game samples.

it's largely silly. i was 16. and i was using primitive tools. but it is still interesting on some level.

i could maybe bend a little if the claim was at least accurate. there's a lot of samples from civ2 and doom II. but that's not what i'm getting. the claim i'm getting is that the sample starts at 0:05. yet, no sample starts at 0:05.

so, it seems like it's more like somebody there said "this sounds like it might have one of our samples somewhere, so we're going to put an ad on it".


ads are the scourge of the internet. if it weren't for ad block, i'd probably cancel my internet. i'm not joking.

so, i've sent them a simple either/or. i won't let the video sit with an ad on it. that's not in the set of possible outcomes. if they're not going to remove the bullshit claim (and the claim *is* bullshit), i'm going to take the video down, remove the first section and re-upload it. they can either be jerks or not be jerks...

i'm not holding my breath. but maybe i'll get lucky.
damned hiccups.

i remain flabbergasted that there's not something over the counter for this.