Friday, October 28, 2016

i'm too old for hallowe'en.

i was too old for hallowe'en when i was about 8. alter-reality post?

wait. was that the year we brought the news paper box that must have been grade 11.  or i did 'shrooms with greg in grade 12. grade 11.

i don't know what i did in grade 10 for hallowe'en. actually. wait. i do. yeah. that's right. lol...

at the top of the hill. but, it didn't work the first time. that's typical.


i'm too old for hallowe'en.

i'm still going to have fun this weekend...

i feel like i made some progress this week. i'll be back at it monday or tuesday.
ok. so, i'm shutting the browser down and heading to the other room. i think i should get a rough idea of inri017 planned out by the night, at least.

i'm going to have to do a mild remix to balance it out. i remastered the second part of it for inriclamed, but it was already instrumental, and the source was corrupt. the first part didn't get touched at all - and iirc the source is incomplete. what that means is that i have the task of resplicing a few files that are basically already dealt with. but, i'm going to be thorough.

there is an off chance that i could even finish it this morning.
new alter-reality post:

how long do you think it will take for me to re-read animal farm, anyways? a day? two? i remember it being very short....