Sunday, January 22, 2017

i had a mild headache yesterday morning, so i stopped at about 11:00 am to lie down for a few minutes. i wasn't planning on sleeping...

i woke up in the afternoon with a brutal, splitting headache complete with blurred vision and "aura": a textbook migraine.

i didn't have a history of these up until last year, but that's more than twice, now. but, the thing is that it seems to be correlated with the tenant upstairs turning the gas off...

i remain convinced that there is a gas leak in the basement, and that there's not a lot i can do besides open the window (as an incentive to action...) until the property owner fixes it.

the headache persists. it got a little better around midnight, but it's back - with aura. i don't expect to get anything done today.

so, i'm doing a little bit of vlog editing, instead.